As fall approaches, temperatures will begin to fall, leaves will change colors and begin to drop. As we move from the autumn months to winter, this is a great time to turn your attention to tree care on your property. Autumn tree care is a great way to prepare your trees both winter as well as growth in the coming spring.
You may not know it, but drought happens as frequently in winter as they do in summer. Plus, in the SE United States, winter humidity leaves can be very dry making moisture even more important to a tree's survival. As a result, take some time to water your trees in the fall to ensure they have adequate moisture as the ground freezes and snow/ice covers the ground. Also to remember to water deep vs. superficial. This promotes deeper root growth, which will benefit the tree should it need to survive drought periods. Lastly, wet soil is a further insulator for the tree in addition to the mulch.
For younger, less mature trees, autumn is a good time to consider wrapping the base of the tree to act as a protective guard. You can use plastic, metal sheeting, or burlap for this function. Remember to remove whatever you use prior to spring green-up.
For younger, less mature trees, autumn is a good time to consider wrapping the base of the tree to act as a protective guard. You can use plastic, metal sheeting, or burlap for this function. Remember to remove whatever you use prior to spring green-up.
Providing a fresh layer of mulch around mid-October is a great start to autumn tree care. Mulch helps tree withstand cold winter temperatures and also retain water, which can be an issue with the dry climate during the winter months. Organic mulch provides a warm blanket around the tree's roots and keeps out winter's ice and cold. Two to three inches of high-quality organic mulch will do the trick. One word of caution when spreading mulch around the base of the tree: don't let it stack up against the trunk as it could suffocate the tree.
Autumn and early winter is the best time to prune trees. This is because the tree will be bare and in a near-dormant state, so you can see exactly what needs to be cut as well as the tree will be less reactive to the trimming. Pruning encourages strong growth of desirable limbs when dead and less ideal branches are removed. Pruning also helps shape the tree by removing dead or dying branches as well as allow you to improve its overall aesthetics. Remember, pruning is just a less aggressive method of tree trimming.
Avoid Salt and Other Ice Melting Products
Tree roots and these ice-related products don't work well together. Most products in this category are corrosive and damaging to a tree's root system. Avoid any product with sodium chloride and instead opt for products that use magnesium chloride, potassium,, or calcium.
Plant a New Tree
Autumn and early winter are a great time to plant a new tree if you are considering adding to your landscape. The reasons are the same as pruning: trees are near dormant this time of year so transplant shock is almost non-existent. Just ensure you follow the other autumn tree care suggestions above for you newly-planted tree.
More information about autumn tree care.
More information about autumn tree care.